I was 17 when I joined the Army Reserve. I went to Fort Polk, La., for basic training and spent six months there.
In November 1963, I re-enlisted in the regular Army and was at Fort Dix, N.J., getting ready to be shipped to Germany when President Kennedy was killed. My MOS was 102, infantry heavy weapons.
In Germany I was with the 24th Infantry Division in Augsburg, Germany. Our unit was sent to West Berlin for three months' assignment, which was a great experience for me during the Cold War years of 1964-1965.
In 1965 I relisted again and became a military policeman in the 24th MP Co. in Munich, Germany.
After two years in Germany, I was sent to Fort Hood, Texas, and assigned with The 720th MP Bn.
In July 1966 I was sent to South Vietnam and assigned to the 1st M.P. Co., 1st Infantry Division, The Big Red One.