Greetings from the little town of Louisburg, N.C. My local post is 105. After just two weeks, I already have 50 miles (4 rides x 12.5 miles) on my bicycle and 250+ on my motorcycle. I plan to be over 100 on the bicycle by the end of August! As a retired Navy CWO and then a retired motor cop (40 years in uniform), physical conditioning has been of utmost importance to me. And that point was driven home more so in my fight with cancer for the last five years. But my 12 (yes, TWELVE) grandkids believe I am the toughest man alive, a title I refuse to give up just yet, HA! I refuse to lose and I will prevail!
The cause is just. And I proudly represent my post.
Rick Davis
Post 105
Louisburg, N.C.