As of 10/24/20 I finished walking 200 miles for the 100 Miles for Hope challenge, which I started on Aug. 7 and will end on Veterans Day. I learned a spiritual lesson through this challenge. That is, I had to have endurance throughout this commitment to reach “Mission Accomplished.” I would leave my home and walk 3 miles daily with endurance to accumulate this distance. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:3-4, “Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him.” It is my Lord Jesus Christ who gave himself on the cross for my sin who has enlisted me to please him by faith as a good soldier. As veterans, we know what it means to be enlisted for basic combat training. I was enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1967 for two years of active duty. Later I was commissioned to serve as an Army Reserve chaplain for 10 years, from 1986 to 1996.
Currently I serve as the post chaplain for our veterans and the community at Marsh Post 442 in Cambridge, Mass., and as the national chaplain of the Korean War Veterans Association (KWVA). I enjoy walking for my health, so I will keep walking by faith until I finish my mission, with endurance, for the glorious hope in Jesus Christ who is to return to take his saints: the family of God, the believers in Christ. Until that glorious day, I will keep walking by faith, spiritually and physically, to encourage many more people to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, that they too may reach their final destination of heaven through Him, who died for all and rose again for hope in glory (John 14:6).
Rev. Dr. Paul Kim