I started 100 Miles for Hope in August and completed 100 miles last week, thanks to Pastor Paul's encouragement and inspiration that I can be part of this. I ran three to five times a week from my home near Alewife Station to Spy Pond in Arlington, Mass., along the bike path, about a 2-mile round-trip. I enjoyed running and seeing the beautiful nature along the way. The trees, the pond, the birds, the sun and the sky made me marvel at God's creation. The change of seasons reminds me that "He changes times and seasons;" (Daniel 2:21), and Ecclesiastes 3:11 "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end." Through COVID, God has humbled me to see the frailty of man and taught me to repent and trust in Him with all my heart.
Running is not always fun, especially wearing a mask on hot, humid days. Apostle Paul compared a Christian life to an athlete running a race. He was firm about the purpose of his running: to receive an imperishable prize and discipline his body to keep it under control (1 Cor 9: 26-27). When I want to quit the race or the spiritual battle against my flesh, I am reminded of the purpose and the discipline I need to carry on.
I am grateful to the soldiers who gave up their lives for the freedom of this country. As a Chinese, I came to Boston in 2011 to pursue graduate studies at MIT and finished my Ph.D. last year in transportation. In 2016, I came to know Jesus Christ through Graduate ABSK at MIT. My life in Christ is possible because of American soldiers' great sacrifices. I commit to run the race as a soldier of Christ and lay down my life for the gospel to be proclaimed, and His will to be done. Victory in Jesus!