On Veterans Day, I completed the 100 Miles for Hope challenge by hiking in Middlesex Fells, a state park just north of Boston, with my good friend Jean Huang. Over the past three months, the goal of traveling 100 miles by Veterans Day has motivated me to stay active and connect with friends while walking, running and biking outdoors. The challenge gave me an incentive to overcome the inertia of quarantine life and my natural laziness. I am reminded that the Bible tells us to run the race God has set before us with endurance, so I shouldn’t dawdle but instead live my life full of the hope that God has given me in Jesus. I'm grateful for Pastor Paul Kim, pastor emeritus of Antioch Baptist Church, for encouraging me to take on this challenge and leading the way by already walking well over 200 miles. I'm also grateful for battle buddies, like Jean and many others, who are such good company as we run the race together. In life, as in the Army, we need leaders and battle buddies to help us run with endurance and finish our race well.