Dean Kadrmas, Matthew Brew Post 3 member and Post 3 Legion Riders head, had an unexpected adventure that left him in a long-term recovery and rehabilitation situation.
Dean runs an auto glass repair shop in Dickinson and was working on his building when the ladder he was climbing unexpectedly shifted and sent him onto the cement floor below. He suffered two broken heels and wrenched his left knee badly. On the day before Thanksgiving 2020, Dean was taken to the hospital after his accident and told to plan on being in a wheelchair for 2-3 months while his broken heels mended, and then several more months of recovery and rehab after his knee was replaced.
Dean’s recovery was going to be scheduled in a nursing home that allowed no visitors because of COVID restraints - unless he had a wheelchair ramp built to access his home.
Post 3 rallied to the cause and, with the help of ABATE motorcycle riders and the District 8 Legion Riders from nearby Post 66, they designed and constructed the wheelchair ramp he needed to recover at home. We needed a 57’ long ramp to meet building code. We had over 20 volunteers in groups of 14 people who worked on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend to get the ramp built! Fortunately, two of the volunteers are contractors and took the lead on construction. The Dickinson city building inspector was amazed by the quality of construction in a volunteer, last-minute project!
Dean is now home and starting his long road to recovery. But, thanks to his many friends in Post 3 and the motorcycle groups he rides with, he can recover at home and with friends!
Submitted by Todd Otto, Post 3 adjutant, and Rich Brauhn, Post 3 vice commander