I attended U.S. Air Force Basic Training during the 1960s at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio. At that time, trainees were grouped in two-story open-bay wooden barracks. Behind my barracks was a patio with coin-operated vending machines containing soft drinks and all the popular candy delights. Our training instructor (TI) made it clear that the patio and vending machines were off limits. He never gave an explanation, but guaranteed swift and severe repercussions should any of us violate this edict. Mind you, our dietary intake was limited to the fare provided in the chow hall. The food and drink, while somewhat nutritious, was far from the satisfaction one could attain from a Butterfinger or Baby Ruth bar.
One of our regular training activities was close-order drill, which attempted to get every one of us to move as a single unit in accordance with our TI’s commands. I discovered during these drills that I "marched to the beat of a different drummer." No matter how hard I tried, or how threatening the TI’s admonitions were, I could not stay in step with the rest of the group.
Graduation day was approaching, and on that day each unit was expected to don class-A uniforms and march around the parade field. The day before the ceremony was to occur, the TI called me into his office and advised me that I would not be participating because of my inability to stay in step. I was to remain at the barracks until further notice.
The big day arrives and my barrack mates leave for the parade field. I begin looking for something to do and happened to glance out the back door of the barracks. At that moment, I experienced what definitely fit the description of an epiphany. I was the only person within several hundred feet of the vending machines for at least an hour or more.
When my classmates returned from the parade, several of them let me know how lucky I was to miss having to march that day. With chocolate-stained teeth and Dr. Pepper breath, I couldn’t help but smile and agree.