We got to Lackland Air Force Base late Saturday night. Everyone (all women) were put in this room and left for more than an hour. We finally did all the paperwork and were taken to our barracks. The next morning someone was yelling for us to get up. It was probably 0700, and we had gotten to sleep after 0300. That is not nearly enough sleep for me. I asked if we had to get up and was told we did not have to get up, just those going to church. When the other women came back from church I asked why they all got up and they replied, they were afraid not to.
Monday morning we were assigned rooms and I was picked as the dorm chief because I was the youngest person in our flight. We got some uniforms and were given our schedule for classes, shots, other uniforms and physical training.
The classes were okay. The shots hurt, which is nothing new. The uniforms were not made for Lackland Air Force Base in the summer. Our physical training uniform was a starched light blue blouse and dark blue pants. Physical training is the part that was not fun. I am basically an indoor person and have never been able to run. So, of course, I came in last every time we had physical training and had to run around the track.
We didn't get our one weekend in downtown San Antonio as the buses were on strike, so we got a few hours on the base and that was our one day off.
I enjoyed marching the flight to chow, classes and for shots. Probably 95 percent of basic was fun, but it was just physical training I could have done without.