It was in November 1970, that I reported from Hastings, Ne.,, for basic training at Fort Jackson, S.C.
After my initial processing and losing my hair, I was assigned to a basic training company. A spinal meningitis outbreak on the base occurred. We were issued face masks that only could be removed to eat and shower. There were many illnesses and some deaths. One day I was diagnosed with the symptoms of the disease and was admitted to the base hospital in the morning. That day my condition worsened and in the evening I was told that maybe I should call my parents, as it may be the last time I would ever speak to them again. It was a tearful and surprisingly short conversation. I prayed hard that night, as did my parents. I did not sleep well, but I made it through the night. My condition RAPIDLY improved that day. Our prayers were answered and I was dismissed from the hospital the next day. Miracles do happen!