I attended basic training at Fort Knox Kentucky in 1976. Our drill was SSG LaFevre. He was an infantryman, Vietnam veteran who served with the 11th-Armored-Cavalry-Regiment. He continued to suffer from his exposure to malaria. He was a solid leader and a great example for us.
His deputy was the antithesis of what he was. A skinny drunkard who took ever opportunity to harass us when Drill Sergeant LeFevre was not around.
It was around 9:30pm one night when he came into our bay area drunk and ranting. He threw a garbage can down the middle of our highly polished center isle that NO ONE was allowed to walk on.
He started ordering everyone to the front, leaning rest position for push ups. When he got to the back wall he was met my Mark Phister, a 6'5" former college football player who grabs this buck sergeant by the neck pinned him to the wall, then stuffed him into an empty wall locker, where he remained for the next hour and a half.
When he started to cry, we let him out but told him if he ever came into our area again we would repeat the process and throw the locker out the second story window, with him inside.