I entered the gates of Navy Recruit Training San Diego just after Thanksgiving 1984.
By the time Christmas rolled around, we were well into recruit training. Christmas Day was fairly quiet and built around the expectations of a great meal.
Our Company was one of the very last scheduled to enjoy dinner. After marching to the Mess Hall, the Company systematically entered the line. As one of the shortest members of our company, I was in the very back of the line.
Word quietly spread back from the serving area that portions were low and items were running out. Work was underway to provide substitutes to ensure everyone got something to eat. Instead of turkey, hot dogs were brought out.
But by the time I grabbed a tray and entered the line there were not even wieners available.
My first Christmas meal in uniform at Navy Recruit Training San Diego consisted of two hot dog buns, two packages of crackers and a glass of bug juice.