I entered Army Basic Training in June 1, 1988 at Fort Jackson, SC.
I quickly learned to fear, then "hate," then trust, and finally admire, my Drill Instructors.
The physical training (PT) was perhaps the hardest and least comfortable part -- but it eventually became the part where progress was easiest to see and feel, so I learned to love it.
By the time I completed Basic Training I was indeed proud of that modest accomplishment. More than that, however, I was determined to continue the amazing growth that was taking place in me and around me.
So then, I was ready for the even greater "unknown" challenges to come, which eventually included Advanced Individual Training (AIT), Officer Candidate School (OCS), Airborne School and Ranger School -- all within 30 months of Basic Training.
It remains the greatest beginning to the best period of my personal growth, something I'll always remember and treasure.