Dec.2nd,1967 I arrive at Great Lakes Naval Training Station at app. 2:00AM with approximately 100 other boots.
We are greeted by an E3,no fall in, no butt chewing, just a follow me.
We follow him to one of the brick admin buildings,a WWII left over. Tells us to wait here until somebody shows up. The building was empty and cold, but had running water and toilets. We were all to tired to care.
The next morning we were rested, looking out the windows watching people marching,a perfect view of the parade grounds. But,nobody showed up.
Late in the day we where concerned and hungry,but the old steam heat came on and none of us where brave enough to go outside in civvies to ask questions. So we spent another night camped out sleeping on the old wooden floor.
The next day we where getting very hungry, but still no body was willing to go on the parade ground and ask questions. Late in the day another E3 walks in and to his surprise, finds us.
We where relieved,thought we had been saved. He just asked,what are you guys doing here, I just walked into the building to see whats in here.
We told him our story,he said he would take care of us. Then we told him about how long we where there without food. Less than an hour later we had box lunches in our hands thanks to him, and a bed to sleep in that night.
The next day we had a Company Commander asking if we enjoyed our vacation.