It was the Fall of 1954 when I was undergoing basic training at Fort Knox, Kentucky. We had marched from our Battery Area down Misery Hill and up Agony Hill toward the infiltration course site.
Agony Hill was actually more than one hill and aptly named. Marching up the first grade we breathed a sigh of relief as the crest came in sight. Then another grade appeared and was eventually followed by still another. I was really dragging and was last to finish the infiltration course.
Dropping into a trench at the end of the course, as instructed, I waited for the order to, fix bayonet, move out, and assault foxholes. After what seemed like a long time, the Lieutenant turned and shouted, "What the H##* are you doing there?" "Waiting for the order to move out," I replied. "Well get your a** up that hill and make a lot of noise," he shouted in a very unfriendly manner. I charged the hill with fervor, bayoneting dummies and shouting all the way as I envisioned John Wayne would.
The orders were then to un-fix bayonet and stand at parade rest until given the order to move out. Again, the Lieutenant forgot me and when he finally looked my way, he shouted, "What the hH#** are you doing soldier?" "Waiting for the order to move out, sir." Well get your a** down the road and join your Platoon." The unit was several hundred yards away and I double-timed until finally making it.
Then there was Misery Hill to negotiate before getting back "home." What a day in the life of a basic trainee.