I entered the Air Force in 1959 after grades on the entrance tests qualified me for Electronics. Me and my family were very pleased.
Arriving at Lackland AFB about 2AM, undergoing the mandatory screaming sessions from our Instructors and in the bunk about 3AM and rising at 5AM certainly had me thinking "I just screwed up my life".
During our quick orientation from our TIs we were told, "If any of you have an opportunity to go to IBM School, take it". This stuck in my mind as it played out during basic training.
While going through the routine physical examinations, they found out I could NOT pass the color blindness flip chart test. Two passes through it and I got ZERO right. Next step was to try a different test. In a long dark room with just me and the examiner, I failed the DIFFERENT type test.
Next step was seeing our "career counselor" where I was expecting to be sent to beautiful Colorado for my Electronics School. What did I know?
The Counselor said to me, "You are color blind! Why didn't you tell your recruiter?" I told him, "they never asked and I never really knew." The Counselor replied, "I have looked at all your grades since you entered, your high school and college grades. We probably don't want you arming our missiles. What do you want to do?"
I have NEVER MET another service member that had the opportunity that this counselor gave me. I said to the Counselor, "Our TI told us - If any of you have an opportunity to go to IBM school, to take it. "I want to go to IBM School."
I had no idea what IBM school was. Three weeks later, I arrived at beautiful Wichita Falls, Texas to begin my USAF career through this school. Some weeks later I graduated at the top of my class, and spent the next three years using that knowledge.
When I transitioned to civilian life, I spent the rest of my working career working in the computer field eventually as a Director of Information Technology for almost 35 years, a brief period as a CEO of a software company and as a consultant.
GOD BLESS MY TI. If I could find him, we'd would spend some time together.