In July of 1968 I was drafted into the Army and processed through the Whitehall Street induction center in New York City. Immediately after that I was shipped off to Fort Jackson, S.C. for basic training. My company was C-1-1 on Tank Hill.
My first physical training obstacle was the hand over hand monkey bars. After my first several attempts my hands were blistered, raw and bleeding. Subsequent attempts only made the problem worse. The drill instructors (DI) told me if I couldn't pass that activity on the PT test I would be recycled through basic again.
During this time the DI realized I was a college graduate and asked me if I could help with other recruits who were experiencing difficulties learning first aid, manual of arms, general orders, etc. I did so during my free time.
The day of my PT test the DI called me up to the monkey bar and I was able to complete two bars before my hands hurt and I fell. He looked up, said thanks, checked off a completed activity and said "next man". Who ever said the Army was inflexible?
Bob Ettl, Hampton Bays, N.Y.