In June 1984, I reported to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, for Basic Training. Around the middle of July, the old World War Two latrines we were using ran out of toilet paper. As many of my comrades and I were receiving newspapers from home, we became forced to use them as no toilet paper soon became available. After about 3 days of no toilet paper, the toilets began to become clogged and when we woke up in the morning, the whole barracks area was underwater from the overflow. Our company was called to an emergency formation in front of the barracks, standing in several inches of water. The drill sergeants demanded to know who was using newspapers to clog the toilets. No one stepped forward, even though everybody had to resort to using the paper. After about a ten minute tongue lashing, the drill sergeant said since nobody is admitting they did this, we must have infiltrators coming in to use our latrine and therefore we need to guard against this. For the next several nights and day, we all had to pull our M16’s from the armory and dress in full battle gear, forming roving guards around the latrine to guard against these infiltrators. Finally after 2 days of the guard, we received a shipment of toilet paper and all was well.