I was drafted into the Army in November 1968 at Fort Holabird (Baltimore, MD--long since closed) at the height of the buildup for the Vietnam War. I remember them asking for volunteers to step forward if they wanted to become Marines. I held my ground. I remember them having us count off 1,2,3,4 - and having number 1's step forward, make a left turn, and forward march ... Congratulations, you guys are U.S. Marines. I was not a number 1. I remember our civilian bus driver stopping in North Carolina at an all-night restaurant to allow us to have one last civilian meal of barbecue. I remember the bus driver taking his time so that the bus did not arrive at Fort Bragg before 4 a.m., when the Drill Instructors arrived and we became raw meat to them. I spent basic training at Fort Bragg in old barracks refitted for "current" usage. However, the open latrine brings back the most vivid memories - there were no stalls or wall - just toilet after toilet...urinal after urinal...all in a straight line. Made swabbing the floors much easier--no stalls to swab around or under.