In August 1963 I was in basic training at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Gateway to the Air Force. I was in Sqdn 3704 Flight 931 when I received a care package from home. It was a smoked lebanon bologna from my brother-in-law, who worked at Seltzer's Bologna Company in Palmyra, Pa. Much to my surprise, nobody in the flight had eaten or heard of lebanon bologna. I was the only PA Dutch person in the flight. August in Texas is no place to store meat, so we had to eat it right away. We had no knives in our barracks in basic training, so I used a double-edge razor blade to slice the bologna. It was not easy, but I managed to cut up the bologna and hand out samples to the flight. It was different from the other care packages we received. They all enjoyed their sampling of PA Dutch food.
SMS Robert W. Alexander, USAF (ret.), Hummelstown, Pa.