I saw the truth of this observation, recorded in Proverbs chapter 27, verse 6 of the Holy Bible, demonstrated in an unforgettable manner thus:
I was a member of the crew of a large Navy ship which anchored off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1962 to pay a visit to the citizens of that nation. One of the attractions of Rio is Sugar Loaf Mountain, which rises up from the bay with very steep slopes, accessible only by cable car from the mainland. At the top of the mountain was a restaurant and bar. At this bar, a sailor overindulged and became drunk. As he staggered outside, he saw the ship anchored in the distance. For some strange reason, he decided he needed to swim to the ship. This was a very dangerous idea, because he would certainly fall to his death as he descended the mountain. Fortunately for him, his companion took drastic measures to prevent such a foolish endeavor.
Enlisted sailors wore a uniform which included a tie. The fast-acting friend slammed his foolish shipmate with his fist which stunned him. Then he removed both his and his drunken buddy’s ties, coupled the two ties together, and used these to secure the drunken sailor to one of the very few small trees near the top of the mountain. The he quickly called the shore patrol (Navy police) who came to drag the inebriated fellow to his ship to face the captain.
Later, this foolish fellow was angry with his faithful companion. But he became grateful after we reasoned with him that his buddy’s fast and drastic action certainly saved his life.
God our maker sometimes sends or allows severe correction to come to one who knows Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord which may anger and/or hurt us. But He does so in love, to prevent our certain destruction, because our enemy the Devil clamors for our demise.
See for yourself, in God’s word the Bible, in 1 Peter 5, verse 8 and Hebrews 12, verses 2 through 11.