In August 1970 I attended Navy basic training in Orlando, Fla. Walt Disney World was set to open that year, and everyone was excited.
One of the first directives for all recruits was to learn what the Command on the base looked like. We all received photos of the base staff, especially the Commander.
One of the duties of new recruits was to patrol the roof of our barracks at night.
Around and around we would walk with our wooden rifle, observing our surroundings. When anyone was spotted in the area, the sentry was directed to call out, “Halt, who goes there?”
One night, one of the younger recruits spotted someone on the roof about 2 a.m. He correctly called out “Halt, who goes there?” The base commander responded “Superman.” The recruit mistakenly replied, “Well, fly your ass over here and be recognized!”
Needless to say, this young recruit had a tough time throughout his tenure at Navy boot camp.