February was the first full month of John J. Morris Post 62 (Peoria, Ariz.) doing several senior living center visits to connect with veterans. We had been doing one a month for a few months last year and decided it was time to do more. We had five successful visits in February - six scheduled, but medical issues pushed one back a month. In March we hope to have more than 10 visits! January was spent "cold calling" centers to get contact numbers and start discussions. While not every place was receptive, the majority were. Lots of interesting stories from veterans and one Dutch Merchant Marine whose son had a career in the U.S. Marine Corps. Those visits have led to follow-up calls telling how much it meant to their veterans and when can we return. Several places have a Wall of Honor with pictures of their veterans - quite moving. In early March we go to a center with 100 on their Wall of Honor, including a general! It is hard to measure the impact of the visits, but for those from our post who go, you leave feeling so great about the visits. Looking very forward to making 10 or more visits next month.