My friend Nick joined the Marines when he was 18 and was deployed to Korea in the early 1950s.
While fighting for a hill he was hit by shrapnel and badly wounded. He had use of his right arm only, and he lay in a crater calling for a medic. As he called out, the Chinese came at him with fixed bayonets. He had the use of his right hand and his Colt 45 with 7+1 rounds. He had no way of reloading. As eight Chinese lunged at him, he took eight shots and the Chinese stopped after his last round. Eight dead Chinese practically on top of him. A Navy medic found him and dragged him to the rear for first aid and a ride to a MASH unit.
Nick received a Purple Heart, Silver Star and Bronze Star. He is in his 80s living in Arizona with five kids and dozens of grandkids.