While COVID-19 has postponed our centennial celebration, we would like to share a piece of our post’s history:
Daniel Ambrose Vece Jr., was a native son of Clinton, Conn. Dan enlisted in the Marines without waiting to finish his high school education. Along with 8 of his classmates he enlisted in the armed services to make sure we stayed free. Dan the Marine was sent to Iwo Jima and fought alongside our servicemen and women to victory over Japan.
When he returned home to Clinton Dan joined his local American Legion Post 66. Dan’s dedication to his town inspired him to go through the chairs to be named post commander, where he worked to ensure that veterans would get a fair shake at life after they returned home. Dan became parade marshal and headed up Memorial Day and Veterans Day services for 50 years. He also served the town and state as chief of Clinton’s Volunteer Fire Department. In that capacity he worked to put together a volunteer ambulance service and supported the development of a satellite medical facility in conjunction with Middlesex Memorial Hospital to serve the Connecticut Shoreline and a mutual aid program with neighboring fire departments.
After serving as fire chief Dan became involved in town politics and was elected first selectman of Clinton. In this capacity he traveled through the state to better his town and state. From 1982-1992 he worked with the state Office of Economic Development Agency where he worked for a better community, state and nation. He was involved with the creation of an Iwo Jima Memorial in New Britain, Conn. Dan loved serving his town and did so unselfishly and often anonymously. He was humbled to receive the Distinguished Citizen Award, Chamber of Commerce Man of the Year and Clinton Spirit awards, and public service awards from the Rotary Club, Lions Club, Republican Town Committee, Democratic Town Committee, Junior Women’s' Club, Morgan School, American Legion and the Connecticut State General Assembly. In 2009, Dan was one of 11 individuals to be inducted to the Connecticut Veterans Hall of Fame, a recognition that held a special place in his heart.