The GI Bill allowed me to finish college and get a master's degree after Army service.
After two years of college, at the end of which I was on academic probation, I enlisted in the U.S. Army as Regular Army. Three years later I returned to college with renewed purpose, learned self-discipline and the GI Bill to help pay the way. Loans were available but because of my limited academic success during my first two years of college, they were limited to undergraduate tuition loans. Books, fees and living expenses were on my own. The GI Bill provided enough ($139/month) for shared rent and food expenses, as well as keeping my 10-year-old MGA on the road.
After graduation, I entered the master's degree program at Utah State University. The GI Bill once again provided enough additional income to cover two academic years of non-educational expenses (including supporting a wife while I completed my degree).
Richard Charles Larlham, SP5
US Army, 1962-1965