On Dec. 1, 2018, at noon, the American Legion Amateur Radio Club of Post 111 opened its doors to the public by sponsoring an open house to show the club's radio station capabilities, and honor the wife and family of William Henry Robertson WA4TKM. Bill, a longtime member of Post 111 in Conway, S.C., together with David Goodman and Roger McGuigan joined the national TALARC and began plans of forming a club at the Conway post. But sadly, Bill passed away before seeing the club come to fruition. While visiting Bill at his home days before his death, Bill told Dave and Roger that he wanted his radio equipment to go to the post in hopes that an amateur radio club could be formed. They both promised Bill that they would continue the work started by the three of them.
On March 13, 2018, TALARC Post 111 formed with their first meeting. On March 19, the club received a call sign, KN4KRV, from the FCC. Later, the club members decided that the club's call should closely follow the national TALARC, and thus on June 5, the FCC issued KA4TAL. In July, the club station made its first transmission and contact, which signified that the station is up and running.
On Dec. 1, TALARC Post 111 welcomed visitors - and especially Mrs. Robertson and her family - to see the station and enjoy hot dogs and hamburgers. Mrs. Robertson’s 8-year-old great-grandson operated the radio, under the supervision of a club member, and was excited to make an actual contact. Hopefully, he will be a future “ham” radio operator and follow in his great-grandfather’s footsteps.
One of the many plans that TALARC Post 111 envisions is to develop training programs for acquiring an amateur radio license, plus getting young people interested in amateur radio.