Hello all. My name is Robert D. King (KM6BNY). I am the control operator at the Department of California Amateur Radio Club, located above Dept. HQ.
I was tasked with the project of establishing the station by John (Doc) Bart about September 2016. I filled out all required paperwork and submitted it to the ARRL for approval. In December 2016 I was granted the license KM6HCQ.
I then began to purchase antennas, coax, a power supply, a 2m/440 mobile radio and an HF radio and got it all installed. Up on the roof I have a mast with an anteon 99 and my OCFD feed point. This wire antenna covers 10m through 160m. I have another mast with a 2m/440 antenna.
I continue to stay active with TALARS and CALARS.
To date, California is the only department to have a station at their HQ building.
I serve as the Earley Monitor every Saturday on air with the Western Public Service System, 3.952 MHZ.
I'm a member of the Clovis Amateur Radio Club.
I am a member in good standing at Post 23, where I have served as sergeant at arms twice, Riders president two years and commander two years.
For the good of the Order,
Robert D. King