Bartholomew County Veterans Honor Guard of Indiana is comprised of veterans of various local veteran organizations, as well as honorably discharged vets. Our primary focus is to provide final services for departing fellow veterans, at the cemetery, church or funeral home. As of this date (05 Nov) we have performed 81 such services this year.
In addition, we are visible in the community in various ways, from several activities on Memorial Day, parades, school functions, flag retirements and others. One of our busiest times is Veterans Day. We begin early in the day, attending and assisting in school programs. Part of our group provides a rifle detail for the county Veterans Services at 11 a.m. Another part of our group present a flag folding ceremony, with description of folds, at the World Headquarters of Cummins Engine Company. We then proceed to one of Cummins' plants where we assist in a march through of the plant and recognition veterans who are workers of the three shifts.
A local group last year invited us to post Colors prior to the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of a USO show, free to veterans and their families. They are repeating a show again this year, and again, we will Post and retire the Colors for this show.
These are just some of the highlights of our group. We are most proud of being able to serve families when they are grieving the loss of their veteran family member.
A.C. Reeves