The Post 379 Honor Guard's primary mission is to represent The American Legion at all public, official and unofficial ceremonies within the Hurst, Euless, Bedford, Colleyville, Grapevine and Southlake city areas, and beyond when directed or requested. Ceremonies include presenting and posting the colors at civic events, presenting honors at the funerals of deceased service personnel and eligible family members, placing flags upon military graves during specified national holidays, frequently retiring the U.S. Flag, marching in parades, and participating in other local patriotic activities. Members of the Honor Guard comprise Legionnaires discharged from four of the five armed services (Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines). An appointment to this highly selective unit is considered special duty. The Post 379 Honor Guard is extremely busy participating in events throughout the community, and it is exceedingly difficult for its members to hold any other primary office or committee within the post.
The Post 379 Honor Guard resurrected itself just over two short years ago after being dormant for several years prior. Since its revitalization, the Honor Guard has participated repeatedly in each type of event listed above, and they have competed in a department level drill and ceremony competition. On 08 November 2015, the Honor Guard had the distinction of presenting the colors during a Dallas Cowboys football game and on 28 September 2017, the Honor Guard presented the colors during the Texas Rangers baseball game. The Bedford City Police Chief presented an award to the Post Honor Guard on 05 October 2017 for helping the Police Department start their very own Honor Guard. Their exemplary performance of duty is in keeping with the highest traditions of service, reflecting great credit upon their community, the Department of Texas and The American Legion.