American Legion Northglenn Post 22 of Northglenn had the honor to be the first honor guard to open the new chapel, with one of the hospital's own employees who passed on Nov. 26, 2018. Randy Beck passed at the age of 53.
The post honor guard met the family at the northwest doors and was the escort for the flowing American flag held by Rollie Page and the POW/MIA flag with Tom Deaguero, followed up from behind with George Horgan, post commander, and Rick Reeves, the post honor guard captain calling the command. The colors were presented, and after the benediction of the service, the flag given by Post 22 was folded by Tom holding the blue backing and white stars, while Rollie kept the folds in line and George folding the triangles, and it was given to the wife in the name of a grateful nation and The American Legion for her husband's Army service. and three M1 Garand rounds put in the flag for the three volleys that would have been fired if not for being at the hospital. Taps was sounded by Leonard Sandoval. The team was then called to re-form and march out of the chapel, then give their condolences to the wife and family, and was thanked by the administration for the first service to be done at the new hospital.
The American Legion made history again for being the best in community actions. Post 22 does five or more services and ceremonies a week; this day was two in one day alone. They love honoring their own, and after they help them understand the benefits they may be able to get, and get in touch with the correct professionals, they help them become part of the American Legion Family if they qualify.