The Palm Springs Pride Parade and Festival is one of the largest LGBTQ events in the nation, and for the first time not only did our post participate in the event, but our color guard led the parade! The parade was held on Sunday, November 3, on the last day of the three-day festival. Our Post 519 and DAV 66 manned a tent for the three-day street festival. passing out brochures and signing up new members. The parade crowd numbered close to 100,000 with people from all over the world and they were very enthusiastic! During the parade as we passed by, throngs of people jumped to their feet to show their respect and admiration for our color guard and other veteran organizations! About 25 local veterans, straight and gay participated in the parade representing several local Veteran organizations including our post 519, AMVETS 66, DAV 66, VFW 1534, and Auxiliary 519. It was a great day showing off to tens of thousands of people our post and being involved with our community. We look forward to next year!