The American Legion Post 5 (USS Tampa) membership has created a fantastic program called "American Flag History." Commander Bill Hamblin even wears a period costume as "Gen. George Washington" as he narrates the display of each of our nation's flags and their meaning and symbolism as they progressed through history, leading up to our current Old Glory. They enact proper display, folding, etiquette for saluting, and how to raise and lower the flag properly.
This program was presented to Boy Scout and Cub Scout Troop 246 on July 9 at Post 152 in Tampa. Pictured are the troops, Scoutmaster Joe Oswald, and the Legion and SAL members from Post 5: Bill Hamblin, Will Diamond, Daniel Hunt, Jerry Caldwell, George Fulton and Rob Radlien. They are dedicated and willing to bring this program to our area schools or any other organizations that would like to enjoy this fine display of American flag history.