At the 104th State Convention in Austin on July 16, 2023, winners of the 2023 Texas American Legion Publishers Association (TEXALPA) awards were announced.
Peter J. Courcy American Legion Post 178's newsletter, Spreading the Word,” received the 2023 TEXALPA Chuck Donaldson First Place Award. The post newsletter has been published quarterly since 2014, when Post 178 was chartered. The newsletter has won this award five of the last seven years. Terry Meyering has been the newsletter publisher since its inception.
The Post 178 Facebook page,, received the 2023 TEXALPA Patsy Palmquist Second Place Award. The page is updated daily and contains information posted on the website. This is the first year the page has received an award. Members recognized were Eric Bonar, website designer/developer, and Larry Wilhelm, content manager.
Also noteworthy: the Post 178 website ( was awarded first place in the 2021 and 2022 American Legion Media Alliance (TALMA) national media contest. The Public Relations Committee during those years that maintained the site included Ed Reed, Bonar, Wilhelm and Meyering.