The JROTC is a positive opportunity for our Brunswick County, N.C., youth to develop useful leadership and team-building skills. John E. Jacobs American Legion Post 68 of Leland supports the JROTC through scholarship programs each year.
The JROTC department was originally located in two trailers placed to the rear of the current 100 building. In the mid-1970s a rifle range was constructed in a far corner of the campus, and in 1989 the JROTC building was completed adjacent to the range with all activities relocated to the new facility. Much credit for the completion of the JROTC building must go to James Clemmons, a longtime educator who pushed for the project as a member of the Brunswick County Board of Education. The JROTC building has been updated over the years and now boasts three classrooms with the latest in technology. North Brunswick JROTC now has facilities superior to most college ROTC programs.
Starting in 2011, the Fourth JROTC Brigade sponsored a "Best of the Best" competition in all competitive areas. In 2011 North Brunswick finished third in Air Rifle. Starting in 2012 North Brunswick has won the Air Rifle Championship each year. They have shot annually in the JROTC Service Championships and JROTC National Championships. They have made three appearances in the Junior Olympics and CMP Championships. The Brunswick JROTC has developed into a combination of quality air rifle facilities, extraordinary coaching and mentorship, and expert marksmen-cadets. All of this culminated with the NBHS JROTC Air Rifle Team winning the Army JROTC Air Rifle National Championship in March 2023.
While times and faces have changed, one thing has not in JROTC (homepage a commitment to helping young people become mature, contributing adults. They are future faces of leadership in our country. Post 68 is proud to support this program (