On Saturday, November 4, at J.F. Gregory Park, Richmond Hill, Georgia, the American Legion First District Department of Georgia had a lot to celebrate at its family day in J.F. Gregory Park. The First District was named the Top District in the Nation for its category for the first time. The district includes Richmond Hill Post 27 as one of the 17 posts in a district that runs from Statesboro to Savannah, and Richmond Hill through Metter. It is also believed to be the oldest district in Georgia at 103 years old.
District Commander Casey Nash said, “Each American Legion Post in the First District of Georgia has a unique opportunity and role in the community they serve. Our Legion members know how to make other veterans and their families feel welcome and proud of the community they live in. Today was about each post working together, and as they grew, they achieved a historic milestone in the state of Georgia; our first ever Race to the Top award, the most prestigious award an entire district can receive as a team.”
Commander Nash awarded each post a streamer for their post flag and had each commander from the 2023 year sign the back of the plaque the district received for its accomplishment. She remarked during the presentation, “I am so grateful to be a member and represent the district during this time and watch as we shift from our Vietnam War era leadership to our younger generations like Desert Storm and Iraq and Afghanistan veteran leaders.”
District Commander Nash serve in the U.S. Army in both Afghanistan and Iraq and earned both the Purple Heart and the Army Combat Action Badge. She is the first female district commander of First District.
The Family Day activities included a free meal, of hot dogs, burgers and pulled pork, with side dishes and desserts provided by the posts. Activities included a cornhole tournament, a Nerf gun battle and craft activities for the kids.