On Tuesday, Aug. 12, the Hernando County Board of County Commissioners (Brooksville, Fla.) approved a resolution commending Chaplain Charles Haig, recipient of Chapel of Four Chaplains Legion of Honor Award.
They presented Haig with a copy of the signed resolution and a framed copy of the “Legion of Honor” award he received for his selfless continued service to God, America and his community.
Attending the presentation, pictured L-R: Chuck Teaters (World War II veteran from Post 186), Frank Babicz (commander, Post 186), Shelli Romeu (historian, Department of Florida), Jose Romeu (15th District commander), retired Col. Moreno (U.S. Army), Charles Haig (15th District/Post 186 chaplain), Mrs. Haig and Wayne Dukes (chairman, Hernando County Board of Commissioners).