On Nov. 7, 2015, Women Veterans of Southwest Missouri American Legion Post 1214 held its permanent charter ceremony and installation of officers at Northview Center in Springfield. In existence less than one year, the post has grown to 52 members, making it the second-largest all-female post in the state. Members range in age from 19 to 94.
Entertainment was provided by the 135th Army Band; Republic High School Air Force JROTC cadets presented the colors.
The presentation of the permanent charter was made by Tom Goodin, past commander, Department of Missouri. The initiation of members and installation of officers was performed by George Scarborough, commander, Department of Missouri.
Proclamations and letters of congratulations were presented by State Rep. Lynn Morris, along with representatives from the offices of Sen. Roy Blunt, Sen. Claire McCaskill, Congressman Billy Long, and Mayor Bob Stephens.
In addition to Springfield, female-veteran American Legion posts exist in St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Robert and Columbia, Mo. These female Legionnaires come together each month to further the principles of The American Legion: Americanism, Veterans, Children & Youth, and National Security.