On Nov. 11, 2015, Girl Scout Troop 163 from Valparaiso, Ind., unveiled a 12-foot-by 5-foot mural as a gift to the veterans and members of American Legion Charles Pratt Post 94 in Valparaiso. With the blessing of then-Commander Dick Stamper, and as a part of earning the Girl Scout Bronze Award, each Scout was paired with a member of the Legion to interview and become friends to learn about their time in service. The girls worked with their leader and local artist Hannah Hammond-Hagman and embarked on the mural, planning for months. The artwork and painting is the girls' work with no help from adults. The mural took 20 hours to complete. This troop has been participating in Post 94's Veterans Day ceremony since they were in kindergarten, and most recently participated in their 8th ceremony. They sing patriotic songs and bring cards for veterans. "I am the proud wife, daughter and granddaughter of men who served this country, from a little girl attending ceremonies at our local Legion and VFW. I wanted to share my patriotism with my troop and they have certainly embraced being a part of the Veterans Day ceremony and becoming friends with the members. If participating in these ceremonies will help them appreciate veterans and their service to our country and carry on the traditions with their own children, then I have done my job. I am very proud of all these girls. They are all from great families and they work hard on our projects. I am very thankful to all the men and women at Post 94 for adopting all of us into their 'family,'" said Troop 163's leader, Deena Lawley-Dixon.