Illinois Senate/House passes Resolution SJR65, "Gaultney Brothers Memorial Highway." Three brothers were lost during WWII from Le Roy, Ill. The bill was sponsored by State Sen. Chapin Rose and Rep. Bill Mitchell. The ceremony was conducted on Veterans Day at Le Roy's Ruel Neal Post 79. Thirty-two Gaultney family members were in attendance, along with guests from the community, state and organizations. (139 total, on a poor-weather day of freezing mix). Division/District leaders of the American Legion Department of Illinois, VFW, AMVETS and the Marines. There were five guest speakers - Bill Shepherd, journalist, who wrote an article and brought it to the attention of Mitchell; Mayor Steve Dean, past department commander Myron Kirby; and Lynn Shindel, state chairman, Son & Daughters of Pearl Harbor survivors, with keynote speaker Rose.
Commander Mark Young of Post 79 organized the event and conducted the ceremony. Special keepsake programs and certificates were given to all Gaultney family members, and to all honored and special guests. Three WWII veterans attended the ceremony, members of Post 79: Harlan Bottles, Army/Eur.. (95), Charlie Price, Army/S. Pac. (94) and Richard Biven, Navy/S. Pac. (94).
Ralph Gaultney, Navy: Died of wounds suffered in the attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941. USS Arizona, died Dec. 24, 1941. Age 31. Ralph was the 1st casualty of Le Roy and McLean County.
Leonard Gaultney, Navy: Died Aug. 9, 1942, when his ship, USS Vincennes, sank during the Battle of the Solomon Islands. Age 26.
David Gaultney, Marines: Died Mar. 3, 1945, during the Battle of Imo Jima. Age 19.
Nellie Gaultney, mother: according to LeVerne Gaultney Craig, (daughter/sister): "When Ralph and Leonard were killed, Mom grieved herself to death." Their mother never knew about David; she had died two years earlier.