On behalf of American Legion Post 28 and Auxiliary Unit 28 of Ephrata, Wash., we are proud to present the Ephrata School District a donation to fund a very important program. On Nov. 14, the membership approved sponsoring the “IDEA” Project of the Ephrata School District. Between Post 28 and Unit 28, we donated $7,345 for this project. This donation is to help bring the “IDEA” Project to Grant and Columbia Ridge Elementary Schools. A portion of this funding will bring “communication boards” to the playgrounds that will assist non-verbal students in talking to fellow students and staff. Also, a portion of the funding will pay for tablets with a program installed for assisting in this communication means. The tablets will be used within the classrooms for the students that are in need of assistance in communicating. The IDEA Project is a nonprofit organization that provides interactive education and awareness training about students with differing abilities. Local schools will participate in sessions planned in January and February. Pictured left to right, Post 28 Finance Officer Duane Dahl, Grant Elementary School Principal Shannon Dahl, American Legion Post 28 Commander Anthony Ammann, parent Donna Nelson, and American Legion Auxiliary Unit Chaplain Pat Witham.