Hello, My name is Mike Detzel, and I am a veteran and member of The American Legion.
My wife Coleen and I own and operate the Florence Antique Mall in Florence, Ky. (just south of Cincinnati). We started our small business from scratch back in 1998, and we are very proud to have been successful through all the highs and lows over the past 22-plus years, most recently maintaining a safe and healthy shopping environment for our employees and customers during the ongoing pandemic.
I'm writing to share some positive and exciting news which you might enjoy. In a nutshell, our local community votes each year to determine "Best Of" winners in a variety of business categories, and the Florence Antique Mall was voted "Best Place for Antiques" for the ninth straight year (since the inception of the award)!
We were contacted by Mayor Diane Whalen of the City of Florence, and were extremely honored when Mayor Whalen presented us with a proclamation acknowledging our success and value to the community, and declared Jan. 26, 2021, as Florence Antique Mall Day in the City of Florence.
Attached is a scan of the proclamation, and a photo of Mayor Whalen presenting to Coleen.
I hope you enjoy seeing a veteran family-owned and operated small business succeeding through these difficult and challenging times!