American Legion Post 228 (Brewer-Maddox) SAL member was recently honored by his County's Mayor and Tennessee's Governor as a Youth Volunteer of the Year for 2012 at the Governor's Volunteer Srars Reception in Franklin, TN. Zachary Warbritton was chosen by Benton County, Tennessee Mayor Barry Barnett as Youth Volunteer of the Year for 2012. He has faithfully served as an intern to the Benton County Commission for three consecutive years while learning about the working of local government.
For two consecutive years 'Zack' has helped conduct a Scgool Summer Breakfast Program in partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee to provide meals to indigent children. He has helped plan community outreach projects that have benefited troubled youth. He has served the American Legion Post 228 and its auxiliaries in planning and conducted blood drives for the American Red Cross. has organized youth volunteers to work at monthly community dinners, and served as an example to others of what one person of conviction can do in cooperation with others.
Zack has represented Post 228 at Boy's State, and recently became a member of the Sonsm of the American Legion. He has committed himself to a deferred enlistment in the United States Navy, and will enter on active duty in the late Summer of 2013.