One room in Richard Hughes’ Arizona home, complete with models and boot camp photos, pays testament to the five in his family - a true band of brothers - who served in five different branches of the military.
Richard was a Navy signalman, serving from 1953-1957, and did tours in Japan and Australia.
Donald served in the Marine Corps from 1955-1958, joining, his brother Robert, because he was “bound and determined” to become a Marine - he liked the uniforms.
Donald and Richard were both stationed in California, and Richard would sneak Donald aboard his ship to spend the weekend to save money on hotels, Robert Hughes said.
Robert served in the Coast Guard from 1959-1965.
His choice of branch was coincidental, he said. “I originally had intentions of enlisting in the Navy, and when i planned to go enlist, I came down with the flu.” His father suggested he go into the Coast Guard, which Robert knew nothing about at the time, but his father took him to the office and he enlisted.
“After I served in the Coast Guard, I married and had children, but I found that I missed the service so I enlisted in the Reserves and finished after 23 years,” he said.
Kenneth Hughes served in the Air Force from 1961-1966.
Bill Hughes was drafted into the Army from 1964-1967, serving more than a year in Vietnam.