My fourth-great-grandfather served as a captain of Connecticut volunteers during the French-Indian War. He participated in the Siege of Lewisboro, Nova Scotia.
My third-great-grandfather served as a captain in the Connecticut militia during the Revolutionary War. He saw action along the Hudson River, from Peekskill to Fort Miller in Saratoga County, N.Y.
My father served in the Marine Corps as a machine gunner in World War I and saw action in Haiti when sent there to quell the native uprisings. His brother, my uncle, saw action in France during World War I with the Army.
My brother served in the Navy during World War II, assigned as an aircraft mechanic, Boca Chica Naval Air Station in Florida.
I proudly served during the Korean War with 16 months in country. I was assigned to Hq Co, Korea Civil Assistance Command.
I have nephews who served in Desert Storm, one retiring from the Army as a lieutenant colonel, his brother as a major, and another brother an Army Reserve sergeant. Another nephew is a retired Navy CPO. And the list goes on.
I am proud to announce I am a 62-year (continuous) member of The American Legion, and still active.