My mother was the youngest of 10 siblings - she was born in 1919, to give you an idea of the time frame.
The three oldest siblings served during the Great War (World War I): Frank Hall, U.S. Army ambulance driver, Austro Italian front; George Hall, a seaman, served with Naval Aviation; and Jeanette Hall, a yeomanette.
Four of the younger siblings served during World War II and after: Dr. Charles H. Hall, medical officer, U.S. Army, North Africa and Italy; Dr. Reina Hall, U.S. Army nurse, North Africa and Italy; William Hall, U.S. Army Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces and U.S. Air Force, China, Burma and India, occupation of Japan, srvice in Japan during the Korean conflict and stateside service durng Vietnam; and finally, Rose Edna Murray (nee Hall) cryptographer, U.S. Army during World War II, Code Room, Pentagon (my mother).
It is also interesting to note that my maternal grandfather volunteered to serve during World War I in spite of having nine children (at that time); denied entry, he served his country as a doctor, a "dollar a year man" for the length of duration.
My father served during World War II as a trooper with the 1st U.S. Cavalry in the Pacific theater of operations. Uncle John B. Murray served, U.S. Army Air Force and Air Corps during World War II, China, Burma and India, occupation of Japan, Korea, a fighter pilot and command positions stateside during Vietnam.
My paternal grandfather, John B. Murray attempted to reinlist in the U.S. Navy during World War II in spite of having two sons in combat and having served in the Navy during World War I; re-enlistment was denied.
My son, after serving five deployments, is currently serving as a drill sergeant at Fort Benning, Ga.