Staff Sgt. (Gunny) Benjamin Charley Sr.
Honorable discharge (retired)
World War II and South Korea (Rifleman and other MOS-combat veteran-VA rated-100 percent PTSD)
1944-1964, U.S. Marine Crops
Cpl. Gene Charley
Honorable discharge
Okinawa-South Vietnam era, 1965-1968
Lance Cpl. Benjamin Charley Jr.(Rifleman-combat veteran-VA rated 70 percent PTSD, service connected 80 percent total)
Honorable discharge
South Vietnam-1968-1970, U.S. Marine Corps (Rifleman)
Lance Cpl. Rocco Charley (Purple Heart-VA rated 100 percent)
Honorable discharge
South Vietnam, 1968-1970
Dirk Charley
Honorable discharge
U.S. Navy-South Vietnam era
Lance Cpl. Shelby Charley
Honorable discharge
U.S. Marine Cpl. (Rifleman)
Staff Sgt. Kathleen (Charley) Green
Honorable discharge
1st Sgt. Richard Charley (Rifleman-Combat Veteran-Iraq/Afghanistan-two tours)
Active Duty-2006 to present-U.S Marine Corps
Cpl. Christopher Charley
Honorable Discharge-U.S Marine Corps (Rifleman)