My father was a Pearl Harbor survivor and served aboard USS Pennsylvania during the attack. For many years he never wanted to talk about that day. We finally convinced him to be interviewed, and we made several DVDs and CDs to recall the events of that day. He was composed as he relived that day, but as the interview proceeded he began to become teary. He indicated that many of the horrific events that day were very painful and were burned into his memory. He finally decided it was time to tell his story. He did numerous speaking engagements at many veterans organizations as well as school classrooms. John F. Murphy American Legion Post 303 honored him on many occasions and made it a point to include him in many veteran events.
He sadly passed in 2015 but left a proud legacy to his family. We loaned out many of the memorabilia to various organizations, and he was honored by congressman Curt Clawson of the 19th District of Florida. His videos may be viewed at the Library of Congress.