My late dad, August J. Furla, Captain, U.S. Army, MC, was a World War II and Korean War veteran. He served during World War II and the Korean War in the U.S. Army Medical Corps and with the 57th Field Artillery Battalion as the battalion medical officer along with various Mobile Army Surgical Hospitals and forward aid stations. Significant campaigns included the Battle of the Changjin (Chosin) Reservoir (November 1950). He was awarded the WWII Victory medal, American Theater Campaign medal, Army of Occupation Japan medal, Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation, Korean Service medal with five Bronze Stars, and was profiled in the Pacific Stars and Stripes for Feb. 26, 1951, and the nonfiction novel about the Korean War “THESE ARE YOUR SONS” by Timothy J. Mulvey.
My late uncle, Jerry J. Furla, Pfc., U.S. Army, enlisted at the age of 19 on Aug. 2, 1944, in the U.S. Army during World War II. He was KIA at the Battle of the Bulge. He was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart medal.