The rich heritage shared by the Isenberg family members, who are humble offspring of generations of Patriots, includes being direct descendants of “Sir Robert the Bruse”, the last King of Scotland and having relatives who traveled to America on the Mayflower. “Our family has a tradition of military service, said LTC (RET) Robert W. Isenberg. “Family members have served in every war since the French and Indian War in the 1750s to present day”. From the Bruce line we have 15 Revolution War ancestors. Our dad, LTC (RET) George W. Isenberg retired after 23 years of commissioned service on active duty in the Infantry. George saw combat in both World War II and the Korean conflict, also serving during Viet Nam, the Cuban Missile Crisis and during the Cold War, with almost 5 years of “COMBAT” service. George’s father, MAJ. Ernest A. Isenberg served in the Mexican War in the Expedition against Pancho Villa as well as World War I and World War II. He was very active in the early years establishing the American Legion. SGT John C Bruce, Georges father in law, and MAJ Ernest A. Isenberg served together in the same unit during WWI with the 32nd Red Arrow Division (nom de guerre Les Terribles). LTC George Isenberg’s wife Beverly, was the daughter of SGT John C. Bruce and the mother and grandmother of all those seen in the piture above. George’s grandfather came from Germany prior to WWI, and George had cousins that fought in Hitler’s Army. LTC (RET) Kenneth E. Isenberg, George’s oldest son, served 26 years in the Infantry, most of it in the Ranger Regiment, serving during the Cold War, Grenada, Panama, Iraq and Afganistan War. He is still serving in the Army as a Civil Servant with the Department of Defense for a total of 31 years of service. LTC (RET) Robert W. Isenberg, George’s second son, served a total of 32 years in the Army, enlisting as a PFC and earning an OCS commission. He also served during the Cold War, Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, and is still serving in the Army as a Civil Servant with the Department of Defense. MSG John C. Isenberg, Ken’s son, (named after SGT John C. Bruce) is still serving in a Special Operations unit and a veteran who has served multiple deployment in both the Iraq and Afganistan Wars. MAJ. Trevis C. Isenberg, Robert’s second son, is the only non Infantry qualified soldier in the family and is also a veteran who has served multiple deployment in the Iraq and Afganisatn Wars. He seems to have the brains, as he is an Aviator, and flies a number of Army air frames. Currently he is in command of a UAV company in theater. SGT. Benjamin W. Isenberg, oldest son of Robert, joined the Oregon Army National Guard in his senior year of High School. He deployed with 2/162 Infantry, Oregon Army National Guard, was attached to 1st CAV, Ft Hood Texas and was killed in Iraq by an IED on 13 SEP 2004.
George authored two books that he kept close hold. His first, Korea Forgotten Victory Forgotten War, Tales from the Front Lines of the 2nd Infantry (Indianhead) Division, “Second to None”, limited publication for friends and family ISBN# 0-9713971-5-5, and My World War II, ISBN# 0-9834522-2-5. This second book is available thru the 164th Infantry Regiment or his sons.
Our family’s heeded the call to serve others before self, with support from their wives and children, and have sacrificed much. Only 7% of American citizens have served in uniform and we are all proud to be counted among the few, keeping the flame of LIBERTY bright.