In response to Jeff Stoffer’s online World War II story “Coastal Legionnaires mobilize after attack” (Dec. 9, 2021): When I was growing up, the Pearl Harbor attack and World War II were still very fresh in the the psyche of Americans. Pearl Harbor Day events were huge. The public and my relatives had a visible response, I observed, whenever those topics were mentioned. The below letter of mine was published in the Herald Journal of Greensboro, Ga., also on Dec. 9:
“When I was in the eighth grade, my family visited our cousins in New Jersey. We were all in the living room, where the only TV in the house was. All of a sudden, all of the adults stood up and put their hands over their hearts. A bugle on TV began to play “Taps.” We kids didn’t know what was going on. My aunt told me that they were honoring Pearl Harbor Day and that Uncle Herbert had served in the Navy. What I couldn’t understand was why they stood up, because nobody was watching them?”